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Christ Human Library : Explore the World of Stories

Step into a realm of shared experiences and heartfelt conversations at the Christ Human Library (CHL)! this innovative concept challenges stereotypes, fosters inclusion, and encourages open dialogues.

Imagine not borrowing books, but people with unique stories – our “Human Books” where personal journeys, social exclusion, or life's challenges are discussed openly with empathy.

From the corners of the world to heart of India, Human Libraries have gained momentum. Gujarat, too, embraces this transformative initiative, with our very own CHL envisioned by Father (Dr) JomonThommana, Director, Christ Campus, Rajkot.

Mission & Vision of CHL

Embrace Personal Narratives:

CHL seeks to create a platform where people from diverse backgrounds can share their personal stories and experiences.

2. Connect beyond Boundariess:

CHL facilitates one-on-one- conversations with individuals which one might not otherwise encounter, fostering connections that bridge diverse worlds with varied perspectives.

3. Challenge Stereotypes:

Through these conversations, readers have the opportunity to engage in open dialogues that dismantle stereotypes and confront prejudices, fostering a culture of empathy and understanding.

4. Two Types of Books are included:

- Share one's own life journey, lessons, reflecting on experiences that matter.

- Recommend and discuss books that you've read and have left a lasting impact.

5. Guest Speakers:

Eminent Guest Speakers would be regularly invited to share their meaningful stories during the evening sessions enriching the library's atmosphere.

Discover a heaven where stories transform, connections flourish, and perspectives evolve.

Join us at the CHL to become a part of this unique narrative exchange, where stigma is confronted, prejudices are questioned, and understanding is deepened with aptitude of empathy, learning and growth.

Unleash the power of conversations that transcend boundaries and transform perspectives – become a part of the CHL family.

Rules and Regulations for Members




Friday, 27th October 2023

- Sunday, 31st December 2023

Reach Us

Vidya Niketan,
P.B.No : 5 Saurashtra University,
P O Rajkot - 360 005,
Gujarat - India
City : Rajkot

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