Inception: 2001 – Since the beginning of the College
About the Club: Cultural Club is responsible for promoting a vibrant campus experience by organizing cultural activities throughout the year by bringing all the students together to inspire lifelong learning. There is abundance of cultural talent in the college premises and the Cultural Club provides platform for those talents to flourish by giving opportunities to the students to participating at various competition in and outside college. Club in instrumental in keeping Indian heritage alive by organising festival celebrations.
- To keep in touch with rich Indian culture, customs and tradition.
- To promote cultural activities throughout the year.
- To cater to the creative needs of the students and mould their personality.
- To provide a platform for students to showcase their talents.
- To help students develop organisational, intellectual, social, leadership and communication skills.
Club Structure:
- Faculty Coordinators – Coordinator and Animator
- Student Core Committee Members - President, Vice-president, Secretary ,Treasurer and heads of various teams (selected through the medium of interviews)
- All the students of campus are by default the members of Cultural Club.
List of Activities Conducted:
- Inaugural and Closing ceremonies
- Amigos - Friendship Day Celebration
- Musical Evening
- Raasotsav - Navaratri Celebration
- Christmas Celebration
- Spectrum – Confluence of Talents – National Level Cultural Fest
- Samvaad – A National Level Online Group Discussion
- Teacher’s Day Celebration
- Diwali Celebrations
- Birthday Celebrations
- Cultural Week – a week long celebration to embrace Indian Culture. Include days like Traditional Day, Personality, Scribble Day, Group Day, Red Day, Green Day, Blue Day, Back to School Days, etc
- Film Making Competition
- Film promotions
- Preparing Students for inter-college and inter-university competitions.
- Fresher’s and Farewell Day
- RJ hunt Auditions
- Short Film Auditions
- Riwaayat – Dance Competition
- Being Santa – Helping the less privileged by gifting them.
Major Milestones:
- National Level Cultural Fest – Spectrum
- Samvaad – A National Level Online Group Discussion
- Cultural Club – Christ College every year achieves prices at University Youth Fests.
Eminent personalities:
Megha Dalton, Bollywood Folk Singer
Prof Anamik Shah, Former Vice Chancellor, Gujarat Vidhyapeeth
Vajubhai Vala, Former Governor
Vallabhbhai Kathira, Former Cabinet Minister
Sanjaybhai, Vishvagram Foundation
Actors from Gujarati Film Industry – Malhar Thaker, Pooja Joshi, Yash Soni, Mitra Gadhvi
Rjs – Rj Ishita, Rj Nishit, Rj Akash, Rj Kunj, Rj Nishita, Rj Grishma – for Rj hunt and promotional activities.
Gujarati movie – Yuva Sarkar - Online interaction with the cast and director. To name few Harshal Markad, Salani Ramiz, Mehul Buch, Aastha Mehta